Summer 2015
Construction Season
As we head into the summer season we start to notice the dirt that this season brings into our offices. Here in southern Ontario we jokingly say we have two seasons, winter and construction season. Construction or building season brings along with it its own problems. As roads and parking lots are paved some tarry gravel is regularly left behind that can easily attach to your shoes and then this is often rubbed off on your office carpeting and floors. What we at State Building Maintenance can recommend is an exceptional TAR remover that will effectively rid your office of all traces of tar.
Besides picking up tarry gravel from newly paved areas we also bring in tiny particles of rock and sand on our footwear when walking on older, worn concrete pavements. These tiny shards can etch our floors and make them look dull and dirty and can overtime shred our carpets. A thorough daily sweeping and/or vacuuming is needed.
And of course any renovations done to offices/buildings create a certain amount of dust, whether it be your own office or a building down the street, no matter how careful a contractor is construction dust seeps in everywhere. It ends up putting a dirty film on your windows. So as we recommend a thorough spring cleaning of your windows we also recommend an all over window cleaning when your offices are hit with the dust of summer construction.